Mother’s Day is Bittersweet

Mother’s Day is a holiday that brings about all kinds of emotions. The title “Mother” hits women’s hearts and goes deep. It is a word that reaches the crevices of our hearts.

Whether you are celebrating with a new baby in your arms, your children are all grown up, you haven’t been able to conceive, you’re grieving the loss of a baby at any stage of life, or your own Mom has passed away- we are in so many different situations and we are full of so many emotions.

These many emotions can make Mother’s Day bittersweet.

I don’t know about you, but I usually have to struggle through some unmet expectations – which of course I never voiced to anyone. Was I hoping to go all day without washing dishes and I’m grumbling to myself as I stand at the sink? Did I hope someone would remember me in my time of grief with a card or a quick text, but I’m left waiting for sweet words from a friend to arrive? Was a craving a fresh, hot cup of coffee that hadn’t spent the whole morning in and out of the microwave?

These unmet expectations can make Mother’s Day bittersweet.

If Mother’s Day isn’t complicated enough, this year most of us celebrated while quarantined with our families. In one moment, I felt so BLESSED to have my three sons and my husband home with me to make me breakfast and watch movies. In the next moment, I was FRUSTRATED to have my three sons screaming and hitting each other with pillows while my husband seemed to not be phased by the pillows flying through the room.

These extreme conditions of staying safe at home can make Mother’s Day bittersweet.

Motherhood is not easy. Mothers are BRAVE and STRONG. No matter what your situation is like this is true! We are WARRIORS! We fight for our families at the phase they are in.

Happy Mother’s Day because you are in the battle and as a Warrior you will come out on top! That is why we celebrated today and we will continue to be STRONG and BRAVE the other 364 days of the year as well!