Why Knights On Llamas?

Many people have asked me why I named my blog Knights On Llamas. Let me explain….

First, I wanted to write a blog about raising boys. Not a blog of how to raise perfect little boys, because I have no idea how to do that.

A blog with funny stories and encouragement for Moms like myself who wonder why God gave them all boys.

Second, the idea of boys becoming Knights is big in the blog world when writing about raising boys. I get it. I too want my boys to be chivalrous, brave and be willing to defend others.

The problem I have with the idea of raising knights is that it comes with an image of them riding in on big white horses, which makes me feel like it is something that is unachievable.

Third, I chose llamas because it seems more realistic to me. Knights riding in on llamas is funny and some what awkward.

The Llama Whisperer

This is the world I live. A world where I am training my boys the best I can and praying God will take care of the rest. As we walk through life things don’t look perfect and there are many awkward moments.

This is why my blog is called Knights on Llamas!

Oh did I mention that my dad owns Llamas?!? Yes. It’s a true story so my boys have grown up riding llamas and they have learned to love them.

Also, my husband is from Mexico so it brings in some of the cultural diversity of our family.

Llamas really are awkward but fun animals to be around. Oh and by the way-they only spit at other llamas so humans are only spit on if they get caught in the crossfire!

Paco & Vanita

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